Reverse osmosis (RO) is proved to be the most reliable, cost effective, and energy efficient in producing fresh water compared to other desalination technologies. In 2017, Enerba has successfully commissioned the desalination plant in PT Smelting, Gresik Smelter & Refinery. The plant is utilizing SWRO technology. The product of desalinated water further be treated through BWRO system to produce of permeate water for boiler and process water application.
The Enerba SWRO system consist of 165 m3/hour pretreatment plant comprising of Lamella clarifier followed by 3-stage filtration using Sand Filter, Manganese Filter and Carbon Filter.
Energy Recovery Devices (ERD)
In SWRO desalination process industries, the reduction of energy consumption constitutes one of the major of interest. The cost of energy in SWRO process is usually about 30 to 50% of the total production cost of water and can be as much as 75 % of the operating cost, depending on the cost of electricity. The energy contributes to major cost factor for the production of drinking water.
Unit that we build in PT. Smelting - Gresik equipped with an energy recovery devices (ERD) using Turbocharger is found to be simple and low cost but with lower efficiency (40% save electricity).
PLC & SCADA Based Automation of SWRO Desalination Plants
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. The SCADA system is computer-based simulation, which monitor data hourly. It is used for data acquisition and controls of the plant variables such as temperature, pH and pressure. The most important control variables for a SWRO plant are flow, pressure & conductivity.
Enerba has developed a unique operation system that uses its own hardware and software products for a distributed control system (DCS), enabling automatic start-up/ shut-down of a complex RO system.